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Bible Teaching Ministry

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Second Samuel  
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Second Kings  
Second Chronicles  
First Corinthians  
Second Corinthians  
First Thessalonians  
Second Thessalonians  
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Second Timothy  
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First John  
Second John  
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Defending the Faith  
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Bible Teaching, Bible Study, Teaching, Verses, Sermons, online, mp3, classesA Bible Teaching Ministry of Galyn Wiemers

Daily Devotions, Evening and Morning Devotional


Sunrise on Temple Mount in Jerusalem; Back to Previous Devotion

February 29 - Morning

" When he takes the throne of his kingdom, he is to write for himself on a scroll a copy of this law, taken from that of the Levitical priests. It is to be with him, and he is to read it all the days of his life so that he may learn to revere the Lord his God and follow carefully all the words of this law and these decrees"

- Deuteronomy 17:18-19

Sunset on the Sea of Galilee; Click to go to next devotion  
Reading and Writing Grows into Following    

The original copy of the covenant/treaty was deposited in the tabernacle where the priests could access it and read it to the people (Deuteronomy 31:9:24-26). This was the standard protocol at this time in history (1400 BC) for a covenant (vassal treaty) like this.

When a new king took the throne to rule God’s covenant nation Israel, the King was to obtain his own copy of the covenant and read it frequently. The priests were to retrieve the original document from the tabernacle and take it to the king for him to write his own copy of the law. When he is finished writing out his own copy, then the original is to be placed back in the tabernacle, but the king is to keep and read his copy all the days of his life. (Notice that in 1400 BC it was assumed the King of Israel could read and write!)

The reason is given for having all the kings read their copy of the covenant. It is “so that he may learn to revere the Lord” and “follow carefully all the words of this law and these decrees.” By reading these Words of God the kings of Israel would “learn” and they would “follow.” The reading and understanding of the Word of God always produces results such as daily “following” the Lord.

  Christian Quote from Church History
"Religious liberty might be supposed to mean that everybody is free to discuss religion. In practice it means that hardly anybody is allowed to mention it.” 
- G.K. Chesterton
Something to Ponder??
Jesus mentioned these OT people in his teaching:
Adam/Eve – Mark 10:6-8
Abel – Luke 11:51
Noah – Luke 17:26-27
Lot – Luke 17:28-29
Lot’s Wife – Luke 17:32
Moses – John 6:31
David – Matthew 12:3-4
Solomon – Matthew 6:29
Queen of Sheba – Mt. 12:42
Elijah – Luke 4:25-26
Naaman – Luke 4:27
Zechariah – Luke 11:51
Daniel – Matthew 24:15
Jonah – Matthew 16:4Jesus
Hebrew and Greek Word Study   Facts and Information

Nusar (Hb) – Instruction (Eng) – nusar is the Hebrew word for “instruction,” “chastisement,”
and “warning.” In Proverbs 24:32 nusar communicates the lesson to the
wise man before he is tempted and tested.


Luke's account of the 56 AD riot (Acts 19:23-41) that broke out in Ephesus when the silversmiths revolted due the decline in the sale of silver shrines of Artemis caused by the success of Paul's teaching about Jesus agrees with archaeology, linguistics and history on several levels:

1. The 525 foot agora had a bronze inscription mentioning Augustus, Tiberius and the goddess Artemis.
2. In the prytaneion, or "town hall" three statues of Artemis were found.
3. The grammateus, or "State Clerk," resided in the prytaneion. In Acts 19:35 the grammateus "city clerk" quieted and spoke to the mob and then dismissed them
4 . In Acts 19:31 some of Paul's friends who were "officials of the province, or Asiarchai, begged Paul not to enter the theater. The Asiarchai were political figures with wealth and power. These men were the most powerful men in Asia who were elected by the citizens from the wealthy aristocrats and were expected to personally finance public games and festivals. Strabo refers to them and inscriptions of Asiarch's have been found in over forty Asian cities.

From this information we see that the wealthy and powerful aristocrats tended to befriend and support Paul, while the superstitious labors revolted against him because they lost business when the sale of Artemis idols declined.

Confession to Action   Facts and Information
Do I understand that God's power supplies the provisions that
I need and the fruit I am to produce? 
I will trust God and look to him to provide the strength and fruit
I desire to manifest in my life.
  "A man who loves wisdom brings joy to his father,
    but a companion of prostitutes squanders his wealth." - Proverbs 29:3
Read the Bible in a Year; Bible Reading Program
Read one chapter each day to read through the narrative portion (or, the story line) of the whole Bible Genesis-Acts in one year. Read the General Text of the Bible Read the Complete Text of the Bible in a Year
Exodus 15 Deuteronomy 1 -
Prayer for Today
Personal Prayer Church Prayer Item National Prayer Concerns World Prayer Concerns
Spiritual gift Revival Secretary of Education Bahamas
Photo of Jerusalem; Pictures of Israel Bible Map and Diagram
Robinson's Arch, Jerusalem

Nehemiah's Wall in Jerusalem 445 BC


The Eastern Wall as viewed from the Mount of Olives. The surface of the Temple Mount can be seen on the other side of the wall.
(click on image for larger size)

The inscription from a Roman column from the the reign of Vespasian (69-79 AD) and hsi son Titus (79-81 AD) that was foiund built into the foundation of a Umayyad building constructed by the Muslims around 661-700 AD. The translation is:

AUGustus, IMPerator Titus CAE
SAR VESPasianus AUGustus Filius
Lucius FLAVIUS SALVA legatus
AUGusti PRo PRaetore
LEGio X FRetensis

(click on image for larger size)
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Reps & Sets is a daily Bible devotional for Christians from Generation Word Bible Teaching used each morning and evening.

  © 2005 Generation Word  
Generation Word - Bible Teaching Ministry   Generation Word - Bible Teaching Ministry