Isaiah 63



The watchman asks who is coming.


Bozrah was the capital of Edom.  Edom was Israel’s southern enemy.


“It is I” or simply “I” and is the word used by God to identify himself.  See (43:25)

“Speaking” is the character of the LORD.  Through out scripture God speaks:

Genesis 1:3, “God said, ‘Let there be. . .’ ”      Revelation 22:20, “Yes, I am coming soon.”

In Isaiah the  Messiah speaks in 11:4; 49:9; 50:4, 10; 61:1-2


“Righteousness”  - His speech is done from the character of righteousness.


“Mighty” – He is strong

“Save” – He can deliver


It is clear that he will be able to deliver his people from their enemies because:

1)      He is present

2)      He is active and speaking.  He is not an inactive, mute idol.

3)      What he says is right, true or based in reality.  This is not the case of his enemies.

4)      He is the strong one

5)      He has the power to save and deliver.


When he appears he brings salvation to his people.  The counter of salvation for his people is destruction of the enemies.



The watchman can see the returning warriors garments are stained red.



The Servant/Warrior answers the watchmen from verse 3-6.

Four things are made clear:

a)      He has been treading a winepress (63:3) and the nations where what was being trampled (63:6)

b)      He trampled them in anger and in wrath for it was the day of vengeance. (63:3-4)

c)      He did the work alone (63:3, 5)

d)      He did it for redemption (63:4) and salvation (63:5)


God has emotions.  His love for his people is balanced by his anger for his (and their) enemies.


We can see in Isaiah 53 (the defeat of our inner enemy sin) and 63 (the defeat of the outer enemies the nations) that

 with out a Messiah we would never be able to overcome.


Who could help?  No one.


Notice the anger of God and the vengeance of God are not to get even but to work his plan of   salvation. 

Isaiah 61:2 – “To proclaim the year of the Lord’s favor and the day of vengeance of our God.”


Verse 4 indicates that this act involved planning and waiting through the years:

a)      “. . .was in my heart” indicates his plan and purpose that he has been working on

b)      “the year of my redemption has come” shows many years and seasons have gone before but not it is time for redemption.                              Redemption and Vengeance are opposites in this case.  Redemption for his people, Vengeance for his enemies.



The winepress image of “made them drunk” and “poured their blood on the ground” is a picture of the enemies being so deep in blood that they drown.


In 49:26 the oppressors of God’s people “will be drunk on their own blood, as with wine.”


Isaiah 53:12 describes the Servant shedding his own blood (“pouring out his soul”)  to save these enemies from themselves and                  

their world by making them righteous.  They refuse to be changed by the gift and so now die in their own blood.


Romans 5:10, “For if, when we were God’s enemies we were reconciled to him. . .”



Israel now reflects on what Isaiah has just Promised (63:7-14)

Israel’s obvious question is “If 63:1-6 are true why are we in this mess?

A)    God is Good

B)     We have sinned



63:7-10 - Describes the goodness of God


Opens and closes with “kindness” or “hesed” – the covenant love of God.

God has been very gracious to the people of Israel.  Considering that he has done any less than             

destroy them is a statement to God’s grace and faithfulness.



“My people” – The natural nation of Israel was chosen by God”

Exodus 6:7, “I will take you as my own people, and I will be your God.”

The idea is that:

First) . . . .God will choose Israel to be His people

Second). . Israel will respond to God choosing them and likewise choose God and take his character. (“Be holy as I am holy.”)

Third). . .  But, the problem was that they could not be like God and rebelled.

Fourth) . . God would be their savior.  He would save them from themselves and their world.




God the Father distressed by their being loss (John 3:16)

God the Son saved them

God the Holy Spirit was with them


In the OT this was a physical redemption from their enemies.

In the NT this is a spiritual redemption from sin.

Now the sin is dealt with the Lord will deliver from the physical enemies again in the future



In the OT Israel rebelled and was disciplined.


63:11-14 - Israel, who has rebelled against the goodness of God, reflects on their interaction    with God in the past.


63:11 – Begins to ask a question, “Where is he . . . ?”



When the Spirit does His work after the Father has sent the Son to deliver the people will have rest. 

In the OT it was physical rest in the promised land.  In the NT it is spiritual with the promise of the physical.


Chapter ends with Israel asking two questions (63:15-19):


a)      63:15-16 – Where are your zeal and your might?

b)      63:17-19 - “Why, O Lord, do you make us wander from your ways and harden our hearts so we do not revere you?



“Where are your zeal and your might?

They call for God to act as he is described in 63:1-6



Abraham and Israel where the natural fathers of the natural nation.  Israel is not seeking these fathers for that leaves them hopeless in the natural.


“You, O LORD, are our Father.” - Speaks of a spiritual father who can deliver them from    

what their natural fathers gave them.

Romans 9:6, “It is not as though God’s word had failed.  For not all who are descended form   

Israel are Israel.  Nor because they are his descendants are thy all Abraham’s children.”

Galatians 3:7, “Understand, then, that those who believe are children of Abraham.”



“Why, O Lord, do you make us wander from your ways and harden our hearts so we do not revere you?