Thirty Questions Answered 10 CDs 2004

1. How do we know God exists? How do we know the Bible is true?
2. Do science and the Bible conflict? How could God allow suffering and evil?
3. Aren’t other religions good, also? What difference does Jesus make? Is Jesus the only way to God? Why become a Christian? What difference does following God make?
4. What happens to those who have never heard the gospel? Why would a good God send someone to hell? How can I tell the difference between true and false teaching? Does God approve of
alternative lifestyles?
5. Can I lose my salvation? What is the unforgivable sin?
6. What do I say to my patients who may not be Christians when they ask why God has allowed this to happen to them and their families? How did Satan come to be?
7. Why did Jesus’ death pay for our sins today? Why do we need to go to church? Why do we need to study the Bible? Why did God command us to be baptized? What disciplines do we need
to study to be effective in our witness for Christ in this community? What does a good pastor/church or shepherd/flock look like for Audubon?
8. Does God cause our death? If God knows everything about us why do we need to pray? How do we know what our gift is?
9. What happens in the end times?
10. What happens at the death of a believer? What happens at the death of an unbeliever? What are we to think of the teaching in Mark 10:2-12 concerning divorce?