Thanks to You! GenWord is Reaching the Nation

Generation Word wants to thank everyone who has supported this ministry. We appreciate your confidence and your partnership in Generation Word.

Over the last 12 months we have preached over 230 messages, recorded over 150 of those messages, produced 200 radio programs and distributed over 12,000 messages on CD or tape.

In Ghana several churches have ordered “Got Questions” CD’s to distribute to their congregations. Truck stops in the mid-west and south-west have placed the same CD in their lounges and chapels.

People around the world have listened to teaching and reviewed notes from our web site. The CD’s from the Bible school are very popular in our nation and overseas.

Beginning in June three more radio stations will begin to broadcast our program. One will be live streaming it across the internet worldwide. God is allowing us to “make the most of every opportunity.” (Ep.5:16)