Budget and Support of Generation Word

Although Generation Word has never taken an offering many people have supported the vision to teach our nation.

Money given to Generation Word goes directly into purchasing:
1) CD’s, tapes, cases, etc.
2) Radio time for GenWord programs
3) Postage to mail CD’s & material
4) Some printing costs, cartridges
5) A few miscellaneous expenses

Money given to Generation Word does not pay for staff, travel expenses, buildings, or utilities. GenWord has the equipment to produce CDs/tapes and has no debt. Many people help Generation Word weekly by overseeing or assisting in areas of the ministry such as accounting, leadership, art work, truck stop ministry, product distribution, meeting location, and web page assistance. None of these receive finances from the ministry.

Beginning in June, Generation Word will be increasing the number of people they reach for two reasons. First, the daily radio program will begin in Kansas City and Albuquerque. (A station in Pittsburg is interested but we will wait for a better time slot to open up.) An additional Chattanooga station will live stream our program world wide. Second, our search engine position on the internet is going to improve dramatically in the next four weeks.

The result will be many more CD request from all around the world!

As always, our material is available at no cost upon request. It is our grace gift to people who want to learn. GenWord is counting on God to continue to motivate believers to give at the same rate He leads people to request our materials.