These are six of the words that occur more

than 500 times in the Greek New Testament:


anqropoV                      man

kupioV                        Lord

qeoV                                    God

eimi                              I am

legw                           I say, speak

kai                               and, even, also



Transliteration is when the Greek word is sounded out and written

with English letters.  For example:


anqropoV    is transliterated as anthropos

a. . . .  . .          a

n. . . . . . . .       n

q. . . . . . . .       th

r. . . . . . . . .     r

o. . . . . . . . .     o

p. . . . . . . . .     p

o. . . . . . . . .     o

V. . . . . . . . .     s



Transliterate the following words (you may want to check the “Greek Letters” page):


anqropoV  _____________________________       




qeoV       _______________________________              








Which Greek word means God?

          kai          kurioV            qeoV


Which word means “I say”:

          anqropoV       legw        kai


Translation is when the Greek words are changed into English words with out changing the meaning of the original Greek.


Translate the following:


qeoV  kai  anqropoV   ____________________________________


kurioV qeoV  ____________________________________


legw eimi_______________________________________