The Eyes of a Child

  - by Zac Wiemers, age 16 and the 5th of 6 brothers


My brothers were good

My brothers were talented

They were like gods in the mind of a child

They were unstoppable

Immune to injury, of failure


Whenever I saw them

They had a purpose

They had pride

They were the heroes of my life

I wanted to be just like them

I needed their perfect lives

I longed for glory

that they experienced


As I grew older

I got my glory

But, it seemed greater as a child

It was so big

When I was so little

Then I realized

My heroes were average

No champions

No gods

Just average brothers

That looked after me

That made me who I am


So now I know

I am a 'god'

I am unstoppable

In the eyes of a child


Zac Wiemers writes about the glory of his older brothers in the eyes of a child.

Zac Wiemers writes about the glory of his older brothers in the eyes of a child.




Above: Zac Wiemers leading the race as he pursues the glory
he once ascribed to his brothers. He now realizes it
is merely an illusion for the eyes of a child. Part of

growing up is realizing true value and establishing worthy priorities.